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Celine Dion
Chante Plamondon
Superman's Son
Tout comme son p�re
Le petit jean-pierre
�tait un fan
Un fan de superman

Just like his father
The little jean-pierre
Was a fan
A superman fan
Il collectionnait
Toutes les bandes dessin�es
O� il pouvait voir son h�ros
Voler comme un oiseau

He collected
All the cartoons
Where he could se his hero
Fly like a bird
Jean-pierre devait avoir huit ans hier
Et ses parents en �taient tellement fiers
Qu'ils d�cid�rent de faire
Pour son anniversaire
Un voyage �clair � new york
La ville de superman

Jean-pierre should have had eight years yeasterday
And his parent were very proud of him
That they decided to do
For his birthday
A short trip to new york
Superman's town
De leur chambre d'h�tel
Au cinquanti�me �tage du waldorf
La vue �tait si belle
Que leur premi�re soir�e
Ils la pass�rent � regarder
Les lumi�res de manhattan
Le lendemain

In their hotel room
On waldorf's fiftieth floor
The view was so beautiful
That their first evening
They spent it looking
At manhattan's lights
The day after
Ils march�rent sur broadway
Main dans la main
Comme dans un conte de f�es
Et dans un magasin
O� l'on vend de tout de rien
Jean-pierre se fit offrir par son p�re
Un costume de superman

They have walked on broadway
Hand in hand
Like in a fairytale
And in a store
Where we sell everything and nothing
Jean-pierre had his father buy him
A superman costume
D�s ce soir
Il voulu le porter
Comme pyjama
Pour pouvoir mieux r�ver
Mais quand ses parents
Se furent endormis
Tout pr�s de lui dans le grand lit
Il se leva sans bruit
Il ouvrit la fen�tre
Et quand il vit appara�tre
Les lumi�res de manhattan
Il voulut s'envoler
Dans la nuit �toil�e
Comme un oiseau qui plane

On this same night
He wanted to wear it
As pijama
To be able to dream better
But when his parents
Were asleep
All beside him in the large bed
He stood up without a noise
He opened the window
And when he saw
Manhattan's lights
He wanted to fly out
In the starry night
Like a bird soaring
C'est justement hier
Qu'on a port� en terre
Le fils de superman

It's exactly yesterday
That we buried
Superman's son

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